Campel Canarias

About us?
Campel Canarias was born after several experiences in a roof tent
Realizing the ease of travel, accommodation and freedom that the roof top tent provides us, we have decided to create Campel Canarias. Allowing our roof top tents to be rented and creating an adventure seeking facility suited to all ages and all our islands.
Our objetive
The idea of this project is to offer an alternative and economic option to travel, get to know, and enjoy all the corners of the Canary Islands. You just need your car and desire for adventure. You can even move between islands with our roof top tents. They are designed to create a pleasant and comfortable stay, providing a sense of calm, protection and freedom wherever you go. Surrounded by nature, beaches, ravines, forests, snow..., and prepared to endure whatever adventurer you want to become.
The adventure begins!
Make your reservation on our website, and all you have to do is come to our facilities with your car.
The rental price includes the assembly and disassembly of the Roof Tent, it took us 30 minutes to do it.
Junto con la Tienda de Techo te proporcionamos la escalera de acceso portátil, un cierre de seguridad y una sábana bajera.
Además ofrecemos accesorios extra como mesas y sillas de camping, duchas y cocinas de gas portátiles.
If you need roof racks for your vehicle, contact us. We have a variety of roof racks that we install at the best price and without the need to purchase.
Access the reservation section and select what you need for your adventure.
We will wait for you!
Camper Canarias
Camping RV Rentals
Rent an RV or Camper Van
And Travel Anytime, Anywhere
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  • Great Service Experience
  • Quick Roadside Assistance
  • Affordable & Discounts
  • Insuranced Vehicles
  • Relax & Enjoy Holidays
  • Wonderful Sleeping Area